About Catriona

My vision for you is simple; love life.

Contact Catriona

hey there!

My Name Is Catriona

I’ve been there, I’ve been just like you. I get it, it’s not easy to break out of negative patterns even though you know they are holding you back from the life you dream of. I spent my teens and my 20’s sabotaging myself in almost every way imaginable. Working jobs I hated, drinking myself stupid, smoking, dating the wrong people, binging on junk food…the list was endless. I was great at it.

As time went on, it became more and more apparent to me that my life just wasn’t turning out the way I wanted. I knew that my actions, or lack thereof, were the reason things weren’t panning out as I’d hoped, and yet I just couldn’t make any changes. At least not consistently. I couldn’t understand it. I’m smart, I knew what I wanted (or at the least what I didn’t want!), and I knew what I needed to do to help get me there. So what was stopping me?

After much frustration and soul searching, I discovered a truth that changed my life for the better. I knew what sabotage was, but the thought never crossed my mind that it was something I would do to myself. It turns out we all do it, in different ways and varying amounts, unconsciously and consciously. But the outcome is the same; you not living the life you want and deserve. You have the power to change all that, you just haven’t been given the knowledge of why it’s happening or the tools to change it…yet.

I believe in myself and I believe in you. I know coaching can save and transform lives, lead to successful relationships and stable families, help build strong and healthy communities, and ultimately lead to a world where it’s the norm to live a life you love.

My vision for you is simple; love life.

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